5 Reasons Why It Is Important To Be A Part Of IAS Coaching in Karol Bagh

Clearing the IAS exam without training is a difficult task. Not everyone can be super talented. In fact, even if you are very talented, you should take IAS training to get some additional benefits which you cannot get from books or YouTube.


With the development of technology, the way of preparing for the IAS exam has also become digital. People have easy access to YouTube, the Internet, and e-books to scan hundreds of learning materials in a single topic. Of course this is good, but many students feel that they can proceed only on the basis of these study materials, which can negatively affect their dream of becoming an IAS. Some students even choose not to study due to financial constraints. If you also do not know whether to become a coach or not, then

5 Reasons to Join- IAS Coaching in Karol Bagh

  •  Special Instructional Material

As discussed above, in the digital age, there is no dearth of learning materials for students, but sometimes it is important to limit their learning to a few sources. If you think that reading more books will increase your chances of passing the exam, then you are deluding yourself. it's not like that at all. Major educational institutions like KSG are preparing their own special notes and materials. This helps the students to get the required study material from the expert's point of view. This kind of study material is specially designed after detailed analysis of the subject, exam template, previous year quiz etc. This will help you learn more relevant topics in less time. In a word, work smart!

  •  Develop Self-Discipline And Time Management

When it comes to studies, we all have a lot of excuses. Keeping time seems like a daunting task. The coaching program inculcates discipline in the students by giving them discipline to follow regularly. Attend class regularly, complete homework on time, regular test series, practice quiz etc help in time management. In addition, students will gain an understanding of planning their studies so that they can complete the program at least 2 months before their exams.


  • Actual Mentors Instead of Virtual Guidance

YouTube and the internet are full of inspiring ideas and strategies for IAS exam preparation, which is certainly good and useful, but it can never take the place of real physical tutors that can be found in educational institutions. The mentors and teachers are highly experienced and will provide you proper guidance not only on the basis of human psychology but also after assessing your individual strengths and weaknesses. They bring out the best in you.


It is also recommended to take face-to-face training instead of online training. Virtual online classes are similar to watching YouTube videos. There should always be a two-way conversation in the studio where you can discuss your point of view to understand the point of view of others. Human interaction is more efficient than technology.

  • Interview Preparation

IAS exam preparation ends with a round of interview. This is an important stage in IAS because if the candidate does not perform well in the interview, all the previous achievements will be in vain. Schools have specific, tailored methods for teaching interviewing skills that you can't learn from online sources or books. Training centers like Discrete IAS provide a series of tests and mock interviews to measure your preparation and identify areas for improvement.

Interview is the most important part of IAS exam. In interview, your knowledge is not tested as it has already been tested in prelims and mains exam but they like to analyze and evaluate your personality.

  •  Benefits Of Group Learning

When you choose to study in solitude, you will not be able to concentrate. In general the general mentality of the parents is that if a child studies in a room then it is great for him/her to study, but in reality the isolation reduces the holding capacity of the human brain. Humans have a basic tendency to live in groups, so group learning is actually very beneficial. This ensures better retention, plus there are many newcomers you can interact with and exchange ideas on how you can prepare well for the IAS exam.

 Another positive aspect of group learning is the benefits of competition. Whatever the product or service, the competition is better


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