IAS Mains Exam Strategy

You can prepare for mains exam only with a well defined strategy and optimum time management. Therefore, it is very important to design your own strategy, as it is worth having yourself. However, as a general guide to crack this exam, we do give some tips that can help the applicant succeed. Tips to crack civil services exam UPSC Availability Strategy Go through the syllabus and previous questionnaire. The most important part of your strategy is to spend your time carefully studying the core syllabus as well as the previous years' questionnaire. Going through the previous questionnaire carefully will help solve two problems. Firstly, he or she will grade you on the parts of the program that questions are asked regularly, and secondly, you can also get an idea of what type of question is being asked. These two factors will help you in preparing for the mains exam. So, go through the questionnaire, determine the pattern and select the frequently asked topics. Identify topics that a...